Sunday, 6 November 2011

NaNoWriMo, Day 6: In the Mix

Today, I wanted to get loads of words down but yet again I am doing a thing, so writing time has been cut short. Having said that, I have written nearly 3000 words today, so it's not like I've done nothing. It just feels that way for some reason. Today, though, I have been updating the future plot a lot, inspired by the things I've already written. I'm finding it helpful, slightly adjusting my plans as I go along.

UPDATE: Since I wrote that last paragraph, I have done the thing that I was going to do, and am back home, waiting to do the other thing that I am going to do (namely... watching Downton Abbey).

Oh, today, I need to back up what I've done so far. It's Backup Sunday (previously known, of course, Downton Sunday)!

Current Word Count: 17,798

Finally, what you've all been waiting for... yesterday's croquembouche!

Yes, that's my very own finger in the background, cooling down after a run in with sugar lava. We made it by doing this, this and this:

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